…holy cow, it’s September…



I have no idea what happened to August.  Actually, I do.  August for our family included our annual Summer Slam party, a business trip for me to New York, a visit from my Amma, a visit from my brother in laws Scott and Daren and their awesome kiddos, zip lining, paddle boating and alpine sliding at Heritage Square, the Broncos Bunch movie night, a Colorado Rapids game, a visit from my Dad (who is moving to Colorado – yippee!), the first day of school for all four kids, planning our elementary school’s Back to School Bash and  (maybe my favorite) a trip to the Colorado mountains bow-hunting for elk.

Wow…that is a super random crazy list of stuff to do in one month…even for me!

Two choices in a month like that:

1. Freak Out

2. Roll with it…and count it ALL joy.

Of course I chose #2…did you even have to ask?   🙂

Actually, this is about 10 different potential blog posts…you know…those things I always think about writing and never do?  It’s really so nice of you to even show up here when I only post every three months.

Here’s a little photographic taste of August for you…my dad with all his grandkids in our backyard. Enjoy!

...Papoo with all the kiddos...

…Papoo with all the kiddos…

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